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  • City West Business Park
  • Meadowfield
  • Durham
  • DH7 8ER
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For Dentists

Dental implants require the foundation of a healthy jawbone if they are to succeed. If we find you don’t have the jawbone density required, don’t worry as this isn’t the end of your implants journey.

We are experienced in performing procedures that can render you an eligible candidate for treatment, such as a bone graft.

Bone grafts: getting you ready for dental implants

Bone grafts are an extremely useful procedure, helping patients with very little bone to have dental implants placed. By using either your own bone or a donor’s bone, we can build up sufficient healthy bone structure, which will become the substructure for your dental implants.


How does bone loss occur?
There are several reasons why you might have sustained bone loss, including:

  • Tooth loss has resulted in the jawbone shrinking away.
  • You’re a long-term removable denture wearer.
  • You have been suffering with periodontitis.
  • You have suffered an infection.
  • Genetics.

How long is the recovery time after a bone graft?
After bone graft surgery, you should feel normal again within a week. Your body will take around 3-9 months to accept the new grafted bone.

Does Durham Dental Implant Suite take referrals for CBCT scans?
We are happy to take referrals for CBCT scans. We’re very pleased to have this fantastic technology at our disposal, allowing us to assess how much bone is present in the jaw. Once we have this information, we will be in a position to tell you if you require a bone graft or whether we are able to place dental implants right away.

If you would like more information regarding this treatment
Contact Us or Call Us 0191 378 2227
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Unit 10, City West Business Park Meadowfield, Durham, DH7 8ER

Opening Times

Mon: 9:00 - 17:00

Tues: 8:00 - 18:00

Wed: 9:00 - 17:00

Thurs: 9:00 - 17:00

Fri: 9:00 - 14:00

Sat: By appointment

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